I knew this day would come, but I didn’t know how soon. It’s actually crazy to think that it was one year ago as of yesterday that we stepped off a plane with ten pieces of luggage at the Entebbe airport. I had little clue as to what was to come. I was terrified. I had been stripped of identity and comfort and “place.” And here I am, one year later, celebrating a true milestone.

This home in Uganda has really become home. Our house provides all the comforts that we need. Trees tower in the huge yard around the house. The back porch and hammock have become quiet places where I rest. Enjoying long, lingering walks with my dog, working harder than I ever have before on new projects and designs with amazingly talented Ugandans, traveling and adventuring to new and unexpected places at every turn … these are the things that have become my new normal. And incredible new friends have entered my life, who have become welcome companions in the journey.

I feel so blessed that alongside my husband, I’ve been given the opportunity to live abroad. But I’d be lying if I said that it isn’t hard every single day, and I can’t tell you how many nights I climb into bed exhausted, homesick, frustrated with the culture and challenges that are so foreign. Yet, I wouldn’t change a thing. The person I feel myself becoming — with a worldview, with patience, with eagerness and openness, living in the present, growing, always learning — is the person I’ve meant to be all along. And it’s only year one.

“Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes on worrying about are of no importance whatsoever.”

-Karen Blixen




i was in south africa and zambia for six months when i was 18 and it was TOUGH. i can’t imagine living there permanently. it sounds like you guys have amazing stuff going on and a great attitude about it all. can’t wait to go through more posts. SO BEAUTIFUL! xxx

Courtney Poole

Thank you Janis! It is tough in many ways, but the opportunities to travel and experience life here in such a different way have far outweighed the struggles. :) Thanks for reading.


I have loved following your blog, reading all of your adventures, tidbits, and life lessons. Always feeling inspired (and terrible wanderlust) after reading a new post, one of my fav blogs for sure. Congrats to one year and cheers to more!

Courtney Poole

Thanks Rachel! That means so much — really appreciate it. Me and Ash have been scheming and can’t wait to film for Frightstorm. #Kampalafornia :)


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